The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines through CBCP President Archbishop Romulo Valles has announced that the Year of St Joseph will culminate with a National Consecration of Families to St. Joseph.
In CBCP Circular No. 21-50 dated November 8, 2021, Archbishop Valles invited all to participate in this effort to bring us all closer to St Joseph:
"With the year-long celebration of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron Saint of the Universal Church, we were all invited to undertake the interior path of the carpenter of Nazareth, so as to “increase our love for this great saint, to encourage us to implore his intercession and to imitate his virtues and his zeal. ”(Pope Francis, Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde). The Ad-hoc Committee on the Year of Saint Joseph has prepared several activities to fittingly culminate this whole-year celebration. First, is the National Consecration of Families to Saint Joseph and second, the Launching of the Men of St. Joseph - Philippines in all parishes throughout the country."
Archbishop Valles explained:
"Consecrating ourselves and our families to St. Joseph is an act of entrustment to his fatherly care, protection, and guidance. The goal of this consecration is to imitate St. Joseph’s virtue, example, and closeness with Christ."
Eucharistic Celebration with Act of Consecration of Families
11:00 am
Presider: Bishop Pablo Virgilio David, Incoming CBCP President
The Eucharistic Celebration with Bishop David, who will also lead the praying of the Holy Rosary and the Act of Consecration of Families to St. Joseph at the Cathedral of San Roque in the Diocese of Kalookan will also be live via CBCP News, Dominus Est, Radio Veritas, TV Maria Philippines and cross-posted in various Catholic Social Media platforms all over the country.
All parishes nationwide are also encouraged to do the Act of Consecration of Families to St Joseph in their masses on December 8.
The Circular reads:

All parish churches will also launch the Men of St. Joseph, a Catholic Association of Men committed to Jesus Christ and consecrated to St. Joseph.
The Circular states: "The institution of this lay association is the Philippine Church’s response to the call of Pope Francis as contained in his Apostolic Letter – Patris Corde, encouraging us to reflect upon the role of St. Joseph in caring and loving our Savior with the Father’s heart. The priests of the Oblates of St. Joseph humbly accepted the honor of being the propagator and spiritual guide of this association."
There will also be a 9-Day Novena based on the book written by Ambassador Howard Dee, Living the Beatitudes with St Joseph, to be led by the National Shrine of St Joseph before December 8.
For further guidance and information regarding this celebration, you may contact Mr. Joseph S. Jesalva of LAIKO at telephone number 8527-5388 and email address
Read the full circular here: