by Mathìas Hariyadi

The Vatican has appointed Father Bernardus Bofitwos Baru OSA, as the new bishop of the Timika Diocese, officially announcing the decision last week at the Three Kings Cathedral Church in Timika.
This appointment comes after nearly six years of sede vacante following the sudden passing of the former bishop, Mgr. John Philip Saklil.
Speaking to the congregation after a solemn Eucharistic celebration at the cathedral, Father Baru admitted that he initially preferred to remain a simple religious friar under the Order of Saint Augustine, dedicating himself to studying the Bible rather than assuming the role of a bishop.
"However, I cannot refuse a direct order from the Church when the Pontiff asks me to serve as the new prelate of the Timika Diocese," he stated.
He further expressed that his acceptance of the Vatican’s decision was greatly influenced by the importance of having a local native bishop to serve the Papuan people.

Endorsements and reflections
Father John Richard Rempormase, OSA, speaking to Dominus Est about the appointment, affirmed that Father Baru is a deeply devout and capable religious leader.
"He has a strong sense of care and a compassionate heart for his fellow Papuans. We—the Indonesian Order of Saint Augustine (OSA)—are immensely proud to see one of our own friars appointed as the new bishop of the Timika Diocese," he said.
Providing further insight, Riwi Nugroho, a former classmate of Father Baru at the Fajar Timur School of Philosophy and Theology, shared his reflections.
"As a person, he is incredibly humble and willing to listen to everyone, whether they are native Papuans or non-Papuan migrants," Riwi noted.
Academically, Father Baru earned his doctorate in missiology in 2015 and, for the past three years, has served as the dean of the Jayapura-based Fajar Timur School of Philosophy and Theology in Abepura.
"Despite never having been assigned as a parish priest, Father Baru is a devout and humble Augustinian friar who values listening to others," Riwi added.
Photo credits: Indonesian OSA Order