Sacraments are essential for the faithful. This was the statement of His Eminence Jose Cardinal Advincula in a circular issued today to the clergy of the Archdiocese of Manila.
by Margaux Salcedo |January 5, 2022
In Circular Circular No. 2022 – 03, issued today on the subject "On Implementing Lockdown of Churches", issued following a meeting of the Presbyteral Council, the Manila Archbishop emphasized:
"... sacraments and other religious activities are essential for the faithful" who "must not be deprived of their spiritual nourishment during these difficult times of fear and despair."

Cardinal Advincula with some of the Clergy of RCAM | The Manila Cathedral FB Page
Case-to-Case Basis
The implementation of lockdowns of Churches will be up to the discretion of each parish, i.e., entrusted "to the pastoral prudence and discernment" of parish priests but in consultation with the local government, health authorities, Parish Pastoral Council and other concerned government agencies.
A temporary closure of the church may be undertaken if a confirmed case "has led to exposure by close contact of EVERYONE (emphasis supplied) in the office" and "there is no one who can work in the parish office".
United in Prayer
The Cardinal reiterated the Covid-19 Guide prepared by the Ministry on Health Care in October 2020 which emphasized practicing personal hygiene, regular disinfection of furniture, implementing physical distancing, restricting mass gatherings, daily taking of the temperature of staff, and isolation if one is exposed or exhibits symptoms of Covid-19.
He also reminded all to be "extra careful" during this time.
"Let us unite ourselves in prayer," His Eminence said. "I assure you of my blessing and pastoral solicitude."
See the full guidelines and the complete circular issued by Cardinal Advincula below:
