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The 2nd National Mission Congress has formally opened!

NMC 2022 is the culminating event as the Philippines closes the Jubilee Year celebrating 500 Years of Christianity.

by Margaux Salcedo

photos by Clyde Ericson Nolasco and Clark Nolasco

Share Your Joy, Evangelize!

An Opening Mass was held on Easter Sunday at 5:00 p.m. presided by Archbishop Jose Palma of the Archdiocese of Cebu, concelebrated by Bishop Socrates Mesiona, Apostolic Vicar of Puerto Princesa and Chairman of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Mission.

In his homily, Archbishop Palma said that just as we proclaim the good news that the Lord is Risen on this Easter Sunday, we too must share the joy of the Gospel as well, in the spirit of Missio Ad Gentes. Just like the joy that was exhibited in the news of the Risen Lord, we too must share the joy of Christ.

Mission Congress Officially Open

Bishop Socrates Mesiona delivered the Opening Remarks for the 2nd National Mission Congress before the final blessing.

Fr. Andrew Recepcion, a professor of missiology at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Academic Director of the Pontificio Collegio Filippino in Rome, delivered a recap of the past 9 years and the preparations leading to the anniversary celebrations for 500 Years of Christianity.

Among other nuggets of wisdom, he shared: "Mission is also entering human spaces in need of God." The program was hosted by Margaux Salcedo of Dominus Est.

Speakers from Around the World

In the coming days, the National Mission Congress will have talks from Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Bishop Ambo David, Fr. Tony Pernia, SVD, and many more. The event will be live online daily at 6:00 p.m. on the Facebook page of CBCP Episcopal Commission on Mission, Dominus Est and other partner pages.



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