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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and the Scapular

by Russell Fleur Gallego

The Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is every 16th of July. Traditionally, it is said that Our Lady, gave a scapular to a Carmelite, St. Simon Stock.

Here are some of the common questions about the scapular:

1. What is the promise in wearing a brown scapular?

“Whoever dies invested with this Scapular shall be preserved from the eternal flames. It is a sign of salvation, a sure safeguard in danger, a pledge of peace and of my special protection until the end of the ages.”

2. Does the scapular have to touch my skin?

No, it may be worn over or under any part of the clothing.

3. Can I take off my scapular?

To receive the promise, it must always be worn. It is our devotion and consecration to the Blessed Mother. It shows our profession of faith, confidence and love to her.

4. If my scapular was worn out, do I need to be re-invested?

No. All you need is to get a new one because once invested, the blessing is given to the person not to the scapular.

5. What are the indulgences that I will get if I devoutly wear my scapular?

  • A plenary indulgence on the day of receiving the Scapular. Conditions: Confession and Communion

  • Plenary indulgence at the moment of death.

Conditions: Confession, Communion, and devout invocation with the lips, or at

least with the heart, of the Holy Name of Jesus

  • Reciting the Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary devoutly – 100 days indulgence

  • Each time the Scapular is kissed – 500 days indulgence




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