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13 Talks on Mission from Around the World

Updated: May 22, 2022

The 2nd National Mission Congress held April 17 to 24, 2022 as the concluding activity for the Jubilee Year celebrating 500 Years of Christianity included 13 talks on mission from different missionaries and mission experts around the world, on top of the main talks by missiologists.

Below are the links to EACH of the 13 sessions. These talks seek to show you the mission focus of the Philippine Catholic Church:

1. MISSION AND THE LAITY - Mr. Michael Ariola, a lay missionary of the Catholic Community, Couples for Christ, shares his experiences and discusses the important role that the laity can do for the mission of the Church.

2. WOMEN IN MISSION - Sr. Milagros Montessa belongs to the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. She discusses the struggles, passion and triumph of women doing mission for the Church.

3. MISSION TO THE MIGRANTS - Rev. Fr. Fabio Baggio shares his mission experiences with migrants and refugees.

4. MISSION AND THE YOUTH - Mr. Stephen Borja, of the Secretariat of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth, shares the importance of the youth in the mission of the Church, the youth being the largest demographic sector of the population.

5. MISSION IN THE PERIPHERIES - Sr. Ananita Borbon, a sister of the Religious of the Good Shepherd, is very active in helping women and children victimized by abuse and deceptions. Here's her take on why we need to reach out to different sectors for mission.

6. MISSION IN THE CITY - Fr. Andrew Recepcion, a professor of missiology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, shares his thoughts on mission in urban society.

7. MISSION INTER GENTES AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR MISSION THEOLOGY TODAY - Fr. Samuel Agcaracar, SVD discusses the implications of the latest Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium on the Church as a missionary church.

8. MISSION AMONG INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - Sr. Aristea Bautista, FMM discusses her congregation’s mission work for indigenous people, specifically the Mangyans of Mindoro Occidental, its success and obstacles, to give us a clear view of how to do the mission of the Church among these people.

9. COMMUNICATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE - Fr. Norman Melchor Peña, SPP is an expert on digital communication. He discusses how modern communication platforms can be used in the missionary activities of the church.

10. MISSION AND INCULTURATION OF THE FILIPINOS - Fr. Jose Vidamor Yu, LRMS talks about the how the Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Institute has been successful in mission through its inculturation programs for the Chinese and Chinese-Filipinos in the Philippines.

11. INTER-RELIGIOUS DIALOGUE - Prof. Pablito Baybado, Jr. talks about Christian witnes in a multi-religious world.

12. PARADIGMS OF MISSIONARY SPIRITUALITY TODAY - Sr. Judette Gallares talks about Paradigms of Missionary Spirituality today.

13. 500 YEARS OF CHRISTIANITY IN CEBU - Fr. Ramon Echica talks about mission in Cebu, the place where Filipinos were first baptized 500 years ago.



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