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The 2nd National Congress, with the theme Missio Ad Gentes, was the culminating activity for the celebrations of the Philippines’ 500 Years of Christianity. Dominus Est assisted the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Mission in organizing this historic event and joined the technical team and speakers in Cebu, the historical setting for the Closing of 500 YOC. Watch the following talks on mission for the 2nd National Mission Congress

International Missiology Symposium


Fr. Stephen Bevans, SVD

“New Directions of Missio Ad Gentes in the Changing Mission Frontiers of our Time”

Conference 2

Fr. John Young

“Missionary Discipleship in the Local Church”

Conference 3

Fr. Danny Huang, SJ

“Rethinking Missio Ad Gentes in the Context of the Church in Asia Today”

National Mission Forum

Conference 1

Dr. Danilo Gerona

“The History of the First Evangelization in the Philippines”

Conference 2

Bp. Pablo David

“The New Missionary Situations in the Philippines”

Conference 3

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle

“Reviving the Missionary Mandate of the Church Today in the Philippines and Beyond”

Concurrent Sessions

Mission and the Laity

Mr. Michael Ariola (Couples for Christ)

Migrants and Diaspora Mission

Fr. Favio Baggio, CS

Mission in the Peripheries

Sr. Ananita Borbon, RGS

Women in Mission

Sr. Mila Montesa, FMM

Mission and the Youth

Mr. Stephen Borja

Mission in the City

Fr. Andrew Recepcion

Missio Inter Gentes and its Implications for Mission Theology Today

Fr. Samuel Agcaracar, SVD

Mission Among Indigenous Peoples

Sr. Aristea Bautista, FMM

Communication in the Digital Age

Fr. Norman Peña, SSp

Mission and Inculturation of Filipinos

Fr. Jose Vidamor Yu, LRMS

Interreligious Dialogue

Pablito Baybado, Jr.

Paradigms of Missionary Spirituality Today

Sr. Judette Gallares, RC

500 Years of Christianity in Cebu

Fr. Ramon Echica

Round Table Discussions

Round Table Discussion on Asia-Pacific

1. Fr. Rocco Viviano, SX, a missionary priest belonging to the Society of Saint Francis Xavier for the Missions (Xaverian Missionaries).


2. Sr. Judette Gallares, R.C., from the Philippines, is a member of the Religious of the Cenacle, Asia Region. She is currently missioned at the Cenacle in Macau, China S.A.R. She is involved in the ministry of retreats/spiritual direction and religious formation.


Moderator is Msgr. Esteban Lo, LRMS, the Executive Secretary of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Mission and National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies, Philippines.

Round Table Discussion on Africa

1. Sr. Mila Montessa, FMM. Filipina Missiologist from St. Paul's University in Ottawa, Canada


2. Rev. Fr. Ador Castillo, CICM. Vicar General of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Moderated by Rev. Fr. Antonio Pernia, SVD. Former dean of the Divine Word Institute of Mission Studies in Tagaytay City.

Round Table Discussion on America-Europe

1. Ms. Suzette Nellass, a missiologist from Cebu City. Currently taking Doctoral Studies in Missiology at the Pontifical Gregorian University.


2. Rev. Fr. Jose Yu, LRMS. He is currently the Spiritual Director of the Lorenzo Ruiz MIssionary Society. Hearned his license of Doctor of Missiology at the Pontifical Gregorian University.


Moderator is Rev. Fr. Andrew Recepcion. He is a professor of missiology at the Pontifical Gregorian University.


Fr. Gerome Pelayo - Mission Experience in the Solomon Islands

Ms. Leah Custodio - Lay Missionary to Africa

Msgr. Allen Aganon - Filipino Clergy Missionary to South America

Sr. Angel Libron - Missionary to South Korea

Fr. Eusebio Manangbao - Filipino Clergy Missionary to Africa

Ms. Rhodora Balingit - Lay Missionary to Italy


© Dominus Est Philippines 2019

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