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Lenten "Fast" Facts Day 1 with Bro. Kevin Joshua Cosme
Lenten "Fast" Facts Day 2 with Bro. Viel Baustista

Valentine's Day
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme Today is Valentine’s Day, a day of love and courtship and maybe sadness or envy for single people everywhere....

The Easter Egg | Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme
We are now in the season of Easter. Say it with me, “Alleluia!” For we are the Easter people, and Alleluia is our song. After 40+ days...

What Happened Between Jesus’ death and Resurrection? | Black Saturday Reflection by Fr. Kevin Cosme
“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.” This was the proclamation not of a Christian, but of a German philosopher called...

How Committed are You to Following Jesus? | Palm Sunday Reflection by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme
At the start of Lent, some people made a commitment to make a personal fast from sweets, rice, or social media. Now that Lent is almost...

The 40 Days of Lent
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme Are there really 40 days in Lent? In imitation of the 40 days of fasting that Christ did after his baptism,...

Mary, The Theotokos
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme If Mary isn’t God, why is she the mother of God? Out of the hundreds of titles that Christians through the...

Was Jesus really born on December 25?
by Fr. Kevin Joshua B. Cosme The usual explanation for the date of Christmas is that it was instituted by Christians to counter the pagan...

If I Complete the Simbang Gabi, Will my Wish be Granted?
by Fr. Kevin Joshua B. Cosme Simbang Gabi or “Night Mass” is a nine-day practice of attending dawn Masses in preparation for Christmas....

Did Mary ever commit a sin?
by Fr. Kevin Joshua B. Cosme Today is the great Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. On this day in 1854, Pope Pius IX issued the...

Let us go Rejoicing to the House of the Lord | First Sunday of Advent
LET US GO REJOICING | Dominus Est Advent Reflections First Sunday Advent Reflections by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme Have you ever been on a...

Christ the King
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme Why do we acclaim Christ as “King”? First, some history. The early 20th century was a tumultuous time. In the...

Should Catholics observe Halloween?
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme Before we go into Halloween, let us first examine the Christian solemnity it rides on. From the beginning, the...

Why is October the month of the Rosary?
by Fr. Kevin Joshua B. Cosme The declaration of October as the month of the Rosary takes us back almost five hundred years. On this day...

The Holy Cross of Jesus
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme Why does Christianity exalt an instrument of torture? Today is the great feast of the Exaltation of the Cross....

Did Mary die?
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme Did Mary die before she was assumed into heaven? Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary. In...

The Birth of St. John the Baptist
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme We usually commemorate a saint’s death day, because we consider it their birthday in heaven. But today is...

Why are we using circular wafers as hosts in the Mass?
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme Today we celebrate the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, a feast that was instituted in the...

The Holy Spirit: The Loving Sigh of God
by Fr. Kevin Joshua B. Cosme Today is the great feast of Pentecost, which commemorates the momentous event in the Acts of the Apostles...

Ordained by Faith, Not by Sight
by Rev. Kevin Joshua B. Cosme For almost two weeks, I lived like a blind person. And it happened before my ordination. Nearly Blind I was...

No Traslacion, No Problem: The Faith of Two Nazareno Devotees
by Kevin Joshua B. Cosme Photo by John Paul Gonzalo (January 8, 2020) Believer or skeptic, no one can deny the immensity of the religious...

An Advent I Can Never Have Again
by Kevin Joshua B. Cosme Christmas Party 2019 | Advent can get pretty crazy in the seminary, but not as crazy as how this year has been....

Mary: Queen or Mother?
Bro. Kevin Cosme analyzes the Queenship of Mary and its relevance today | DominusEstPH

Thoughts on Netflix’s “The Two Popes”
If you’ve ever watched HBO’s Game of Thrones, you’ve probably wondered how the show managed to cast Pope Francis as the High Sparrow.

The Class of COVID-19
Yep, we just had to be that batch.
The threat of COVID-19 prematurely ended our school year this March, just a few weeks shy of graduation.

Marian Devotion: Why Bother? | Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme
This month of May, dedicated to the Blessed Mother, is a good time to think about the Church’s centuries’ old devotion to Mary and what she

Stuck in the Sheepfold
By Kevin Joshua B. Cosme It’s Good Shepherd Sunday! That means it’s time for us seminarians to go around parishes sharing our stories of...
by Fr. Kevin Joshua Cosme
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