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Lenten "Fast" Facts Day 1 with Bro. Kevin Joshua Cosme
Lenten "Fast" Facts Day 2 with Bro. Viel Baustista

Gender Inequality is Not Part of God's Design
Margaux Salcedo writes on what the Final Synod Document says about Women and Gender Equality.

Rite of Pagbado (Pagbihis) of Our Lady of Peñafrancia
Rite of Pagbado of Our Lady of Penafrancia for the 100th Anniversary of her Canonical Coronation

Requiescat in Pace Amb. Howard Dee
by Margaux Salcedo Ambassador Howard Dee, former Ambassador of the Philippines to the Vatican, joined Our Creator on August 21, 2024....

Building a Legacy of Faith, Unity, Service
Message of Dominus Est Editor-in-Chief Margaux Salcedo in celebration of the 45th Anniversary of Knights of Columbus St Lorenzo Ruiz...

Exploring the Rosary and Synodality
Margaux Salcedo writes about the Holy Rosary, reflecting on the homily of Fr. Filemon dela Cruz Jr OP for the Feast of the Sto. Rosario

To the Graduating Class of 2023 ...
Dominus Est editor-in-chief Margaux Salcedo delivers the Commencement Address at the Manila Cathedral for the graduates of 2023.

Easter and the Eucharist | Margaux Salcedo
He is risen! Hallelujah! Today is the most special day in the world of Christianity as it marks what Christian faith is all about: the...

Celebrating Pope Francis’ 10th Anniversary
by Margaux Salcedo photos from Msgr. Jan T. Limchua as first published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer Today is the 40th day since the...

Benedict XVI: The Pope Who Canonized the Second Filipino Saint
Benedict XVI: The Pope Who Canonized the Second Filipino Saint | Margaux Salcedo

Three Spiritual Takeaways from the Life of Blessed Pauline Marie Jaricot
by Margaux Salcedo On Sunday, May 22, 2022, Pauline Marie Jaricot, the founder of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, now one...

Two Years, 10 Shows & Counting ...
Dominus Est 2nd Anniversary Letter from the Editor

Fr Carlo Magno Marcelo: Songwriter for the Lord

Circumnavigation of Faith
Circumnavigation of Faith: From Magellan and the Sto. Nino to Pope Francis and Cardinal Tagle | Margaux Salcedo, DominusEst.PH

The Crozier of St. Scholastica
But as a woman, I draw inspiration from the iconography on her, which reflects her values as a leader.
She holds a crucifix or, sometimes,

Fulgens Radiatur: St Benedict's Brilliance
Dominus Est EIC Margaux Salcedo analyzes Pope Pius XII's 1947 encyclical on St Benedict "Fulgens Radiatur" | DominusEst.PH

How Holy Fathers Have Honored Christ's Earthly Father, St. Joseph, Throughout History
by Margaux Salcedo While reading up on St. Joseph, inspired by the novena to St. Joseph held by the San Jose Manggagawa Parish in...

Pope Francis' 2020 Challenge: New Curia, New Era for the Catholic Church
by Margaux Salcedo 2020 will be more than a new year or a new decade for the Roman Catholic Church. If Pope Francis is successful in his...

by Margaux Salcedo Hello from the Holy Land! I am currently in Jerusalem, my first time to visit this city of incomparable history....

What is Faith?
by Margaux Salcedo Faith is the certainty that Jesus is with us. The certainty that Jesus has risen from the dead. The certainty that God...
by Margaux Salcedo
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